Burnt bonsai tree with salmon

We were going to have someone from the flower industry visiting, so I think it would be fun to have something that smelled a bit of flowers without being too cheesy :-)
. store).
The black powder can be replaced with e.g. squid ink or black candy color.

Black trees (grissini) approx. 8 pieces (multiply yourself if you want to make a larger portion):
¼ dl olive oil, ½ dl milk, 2.5 grams yeast, 6 grams salt, 100 g flour (preferably Italian 00)
Black color – here Kuro powder 7.5 grams
Put oil, salt and yeast in lukewarm milk. Mix coal dust and flour and add milk mixture a little at a time.
Knead the dough and let it rest for an hour, after which it is kneaded again.
Now form the dough into small trees and bake them for approx. 15 minutes at 200 degrees.
Make an extra small stick that you can take out and check if it is baked - it is therefore difficult to see if they get too much as they are jet black.
The rest:
On a plate I have put a few white beach stones to hold the tree - make sure that very hungry guests don't sink their teeth into them.
The salmon is sliced ​​smoked salmon and a little salmon roe.
A lot of accessories and fillings - but you can do it as you like:
Green parsley oil: Put a handful of parsley in a blender with grapeseed oil and blend until it becomes just warm - then chlorophyll is released and it gets a really nice green colour.
Soil: small pieces of rye bread toasted in a pan with olive oil, cooled and blended in a coffee grinder. Alternatively, crush in a mortar.

Maltodexin: In some restaurants you see some powder that looks dry, but when you eat it it becomes nice, soft and moist. It could be maltodexin, which when mixed with fat turns into a kind of dry powder. It turns back to its original texture when it comes into contact with moisture. Here I have used it for two different kinds of "snow".
White snow: olive oil and maltodexin are mixed until it looks like snow. Can of course be omitted.
Green snow: same way just with a little of the green parsley oil. Can be replaced with finely chopped parsley.

A little smoked cheese mixed with a little cream, salt, pepper and put in small blobs - goes really well with smoked salmon.
Radishes cut paper thin - easiest on a mandolin or just with patience and a small knife.
The black "dirt" is a little black grissini that has been powdered.
Then there is some dill, watercress and a few peas.
Bread should not be served until after all, the tree can be eaten.
Take your cheap knives as there is always someone who will try to cut the two stones that hold the tree:-)

Posted in Experiments , Appetizers Tagged Fish , Molecular , parsley | 2 comments

White chocolate mousse with yellow lid and yogurt ice cream


Would make a nice dessert that could be made in advance. Chocolate mousse is a bit ordinary, but this way I think it rises a bit.

Not really that much for jelly, but here it's only a thin layer. The ice cream, with its acidity, helps to give the very sweet chocolate a counterpoint.

White chocolate mousse:

200 g white chocolate (chopped into small pieces)

3 dl cream

1 dl whole milk

1/2 tbsp sugar

1 stick of vanilla

1 pasteurized egg yolk

3 leaves house air


Soak husblas in a bowl of cold water.

Whip the cream and put half of it in a pan together with the milk, sugar, vanilla and egg yolk.

Heat while stirring to 85 degrees. If it comes over, the egg will become scrambled eggs - so use your frying thermometer.

Cool a little and add the cottage cheese (squeezed free of water) and the chocolate.

Cool until finger warm and add the rest of the whipped cream.

Distribute on plates - or alternatively put in a freezer bag and scoop out later - but a little harder to get nice. But the space in the fridge might be a bit tight.

This is where my space platers come in very handy – but admittedly…. not something you have in every household:-)


Refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours. 

Orange jelly:

3 leaves house air

The juice from a few oranges + peel 

Soak husblas in a bowl of cold water.

Tear off the peel and squeeze the juice from the oranges into a saucepan with the sugar. Boil and strain it through a cloth.

Squeeze the water out of the husblas and stir it into the mixture. 

Pour the slightly cooled mixture over the cooled mousse so that a thin layer of this jelly comes over.

Refrigerate again until ready to use - remember it must stand very flat otherwise there will be a lot of jelly at one end and nothing at the other. 

Here I had some left over - put it in a small form (the one from the egg yolk paste) and cut it into small cubes after cooling - for extra decoration. 

Yoghurt ICE CREAM :

½ liter Yoghurt - natural without fruit. Preferably whole milk yogurt.

1.5 dl Sugar

1.5 pasteurized egg whites 

Beat egg whites with sugar until dissolved.

Mix with yogurt.

Run it in an ice cream maker. It can be made without it, by stirring it every ½ hour while it freezes. You can also buy a good ice cream instead.

Dressed as in the picture.





Posted in Desserts , Ice Cream - Sorbet Tagged Orange , Chocolate , Ice cream , yogurt | write a comment

Veal thick roast with almond potatoes


1 thick roast of veal - 600 grams

Baked potatoes, sour cream, almonds, watercress, scallions, stock, butter, thyme

The veal can be roasted in the oven with a core temperature of 56.5 to get a good red piece of meat - or up to, for example, 60 degrees to get a piece of meat that is slightly pink.

Alternatively, the sous vide technique is used here - that is, the meat is vacuum packed and heated in a water bath at 56.5 degrees for 4 hours. It gives better taste and a piece of meat that is the same color from center to edge - and more tender.

The potatoes:

I have stuck out some round potato rings and cooked them al dente. Before serving, I fried them in a pan and rolled them in almond flour. I got the almond flour by peeling almonds, roasting them lightly and chopping them very finely in an electric coffee grinder.

Then I got a lot of potatoes with holes left over. I boiled them to a mash and mixed a little sour cream and an egg in. Refrigerated and then cut out the mass and fried in the pan before serving.

Spicy dish is divided into two and cooked al dente. The root is cut away and the two parts are put together under pressure and cooled. When they have cooled, cut out small circles.

Before serving, melt a little butter with a little thyme. This is poured over the scallions and put in the oven briefly until warm.

Sauce: boil stock down and mix with butter. That is whisk in cold butter cubes for a concentrated silky sauce.

Dressed as in the picture.


Posted in Main dishes , Sous Vide Tagged Veal , nuts , Spicy dish | write a comment


Lobster – Oysters – Sea sole – Orange Fromage – sounds like a good evening. A Cuvee Brut Domaine ste Michelle – so it was good:-)   


With those ingredients, you almost don't have to cook, but just open your mouth. They do not require much preparation. 

But a romantic evening was planned. But bubbly water and nice food. 

Oysters : 

4 oysters – yes but couldn't afford more 

Open them by prying a knife in and cutting the sphincter. No, it doesn't have to be an oyster knife. Remove any pieces of shell that have come from your “knife in oyster exercise” 

The way I prefer it: a little lemon on and in with it. Taste of fresh sea 

Sole in burre blanc :  

1 small sole - yes, but it is expensive. 

Butter, 2-3 dl white wine, shallots, lemon 

Chop onions very finely. In a pot/pan, cook the onion in white wine until sec (= dry - i.e. until the wine is almost cooked away, but there should be ½ dl left if you ask me). 

Some people strain the sauce before whipping in the butter. I don't think it does anything with a little texture. 

Then take it off the stove and whisk in cold cubes of butter - a little at a time. How much you can see/feel/taste. You now have a butter sauce with consistency. Taste for food salt/pepper 

Wrap the sole in tin foil with a little butter and put it in the oven for 5-7 minutes at 160 degrees. 

Take the sole and squeeze some lemon over it and sprinkle with salt/pepper. Place it on top of a base of burre blanc. 

Here I have also just put a lobster claw on top. 


Lobster :  

1 lobster – no, not the black Danish one but a Canadian one (not cheap but less expensive), 

Emmentalers, shallots, cream, bread and butter (homemade butter - see under the category: dairy) 

The lobster is killed by placing a knife in the "cross" of the head, and with a firm hand the head is split open. Harsh but the most humane way. 

Boil the lobster in well salted water. 1 minute per 100 gr. For this dish, it is better to cook a little too little than too much. It needs a trip in the oven and runs the risk of being overcooked/dry. 

After boiling, claws are twisted off and the shell is tapped with the back of a chef's knife. The claw is pryed out - here I use it to put the tongue on the lake. 

The lobster is split open and the small black intestine is removed. Remove the meat and cut into 3-4 pieces. 

Sauté some shallots in a pan and add some cream and boil down. 

This mixture is mixed with the lobster pieces and put back into the shells. 

Grate the Emmentaler cheese over and place in the oven at high heat so that the cheese can melt quickly without the lobster being fried dry. 

Serve with bread and butter. 


Orange Fromage: 

There is always room for a little. Not the great art - but a little fromage and whipped cream should do the trick. 

1 Orange + peel 

2 eggs, 2 balls of cottage cheese, 50 gr. sugar, cream 

Soak husblas in cold water. 

Finely grate the peel and squeeze the orange.